March 24, 2023
Thanks to all the ongoing feedback since our last patch. It seems like everyone was happy with the improvements, and lots of issues people had were resolved or improved. We had more settings requests and bug reports, and found a few other issues that needed dealing with. We’ve addressed most of the bugs, adding new settings, and fixed up the red dot.
Critical Fixes
Notable Changes
All new changes within this patch:
(v471 - v472)
fixed bug on end run in daily run causing broken startup state
(v467 - v471)
added gun positional offset user settings
added sewer environment variant
added sound for shadow enemy ground smash
adjusted sniper inventory layout
fixed black screen when dying after boss1 death
fixed boss errors on death in rare case
fixed gun angle setting using wrong defaults
fixed ironic spell trophy not working on acolytes
fixed losing a pistol on death
fixed progress not saved on sun run completion
fixed recoil on weapons when holding with front hand only
fixed souls from ghost recovery scaling with difficulty bonus
fixed wrong default joystick deadzone
improved background fog color of sewer
tweaked full-auto trigger threshold on STG44
tweaked holo sights scale
tweaked souls cry persistent audio fx
(v459 - v467)
added missing loot spawns to some forest stages
added player rank & class to player ghosts
added prayer at loadout table to auto-fill
added setting for allowing rotate while aiming dash
added setting for analog smooth movement
added setting for analog smooth turn
added user option for iron sight and reticle colors
changed dual pistol inventory to have more slots
changed sniper ammo pouch to other side
changed trigger bolt grab setting to be only trigger
changed trigger bolt grab to only apply to rifles
fixed ambient occlusion only showing in one eye (PS5)
fixed audio playing incorrectly on spawn
fixed audio death filter staying on after respawn
fixed bullet casings being shot-blocking collidables
fixed cave area collision issues
fixed kar98k bolt slide having a unrealistic spring
fixed many issues of loading screen when resuming a run after an update
fixed some lod issues on gewehr-43
improved 1h pistol holding wobbliness
improved red dot & holo visuals
increased maximum player rank from 100 to 250
tweaked assault & tank enemies to rush a bit less
tweaked assault enemy strafing behaviour
tweaked boss2 battle sequences
tweaked stg recoil and falloff slightly
tweaked tank enemy shot timings